Hi larc:
I seem to remember it diffently when I was "younger". It was 'keep your eyes on the guys'...and that's what us obedient girls did.
Had Enough
this is from the may km regarding district convention instruction.
it is posted for your amusement and comments....... concentrating for several hours at a time can be a challenge, what can help us to resist the tendency to drift mentality?
take advantage of the power of the eye.
Hi larc:
I seem to remember it diffently when I was "younger". It was 'keep your eyes on the guys'...and that's what us obedient girls did.
Had Enough
hello everyone,.
if your jehovah's witness relatves came to you and said..... "praise jah, there has been 'new light" and we can associate with you again!".....
what would you say or do?
Hi HesterPryne:
When you asked:
JW's don't actually use the word 'shunning'.At least I have never heard one. Do they have a have an official term for the action of ignoring people?...it made me wonder too. I don't remember using that word or hearing it used much, if at all. We just referred to someone as df'd or da'd and it was understood that no one talked to or associated with them.
I went to the WT official website and put "shunning" in the 'search' option and got no results.
I have the WT CDrom of all their published material, but it only goes back to '51 I think. That's where I got my material in the W81,9/15.
As far as using the actual word "shunning", here's the results of the 'search' feature on the CD. {bold feature is my input}
*** w95 4/1 28 How Christians Cope With Public Reproach ***
Loyal Christians have Biblical reasons for shunning apostates and their views. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; Titus 3:10, 11; 1 John 2:19; 2 John 10, 11)*** w88 4/15 27 Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
“As for a man that promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition; knowing that such a man has been turned out of the way and is sinning.” (Titus 3:10, 11; 1 Timothy 1:19, 20) Such shunning would be appropriate, too, for anyone who rejects the congregation: “They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But they went out that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort.”—1 John 2:18, 19.
and in the W81 articles I previously mentioned, the word was used also..
w81 9/15 22-3 Disfellowshiping-How to View It ***
12 Yes, the Bible commands Christians not to keep company or fellowship with a person who has been expelled from the congregation. Thus “disfellowshiping” is what Jehovah’s Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning of such an unrepentant wrongdoer. Their refusal to fellowship with an expelled person on any spiritual or social level reflects loyalty to God’s standards…
And one who disassociates himself is to be treated the same as a df'd one:
*** w81 9/15 23 Disfellowshiping-How to View It ***
15 Or, a person might renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as by becoming part of an organization whose objective is contrary to the Bible, and, hence, is under judgment by Jehovah God. (Compare Revelation 19:17-21; Isaiah 2:4.) So if one who was a Christian chose to join those who are disapproved of God, it would be fitting for the congregation to acknowledge by a brief announcement that he had disassociated himself and is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.16 Persons who make themselves “not of our sort” by deliberately rejecting the faith and beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses should appropriately be viewed and treated as are those who have been disfellowshiped for wrongdoing.
Yes, you're right..they can go to the meetings...but under the conditions you stated...but again..the public doesn't get that impression from their website.
As far as family members goes, the remark I feel is a lie, is that their site says disfellowshipping does not sever family ties, in the same paragraph as saying that former memembers are not shunned. They give the impression that family memembers do not shun each other, and they do not elaborate on the fact that, that's only the case with family members under the same roof. Ones that are no longer in the same actual house as the df'd or da'd one, must shun that family memember.
Such a farce! Especially when we consider what 'logical' posted for ZazuWitts for us and few posts back, on the actual meanings of the original Greek words used in the scriptures that the WTS uses for backup of their stand.
If you would like more info from those articles, I'd be glad to post them for you.
Had Enough
i, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Good advice, Java!
I just poured myself another one and am taking deep breaths to calm down...haha
Had Enough
i, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Hi Zazu and Java:
Thanks too for coming to my rescue! I panicked when I couldn't find it at first...thought they deleted it or something...I knew I had seen it before, but forgot there is another site.
I just want their official words as proof of their lies.
Thanks again for you quick responses!!
Had Enough (but not enough coffee yet this morning)
i, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Hi somebody:
Found it!!! Thanks so much for your help. I knew I had read it before on their site but forgot they had more than 1 address.
Thanks so much...Whew! I didn't want to lose that ammunition.
That site's now marked in my 'favourites' so I don't lose it again....
Had Enough
ps....sorry for the trouble Mommie Dark and somebody!!!
i, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Hi somebody and MommieDark:
I just went back to it again and clicked onto "Beliefs and Activities"
and had to next click "JWs and the 20th Century" before I could find anything about questions.
The only option on questions was "Questions often asked by interested persons", but the question on "Do JWs Shun Former Members" is gone.
Had Enough
i, along with many others here, saw on the wt official website, in the faqs section, their answer to the question "do jw's shun former memebers?"..
we've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "wt-faq on shunning--" just yesterday.. this morning i went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless i'm not awake yet.. is it gone or did i somehow miss it?.
also....i did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so i changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "child custody" came back as the only reference.
Hi all!
I, along with many others here, saw on the WT official website, in the FAQs section, their answer to the question "Do JW's shun former memebers?".
We've posted many comments on their response on various threads, such as on qwerty's topic "WT-FAQ on Shunning--" just yesterday.
This morning I went to that site to copy it, and it seems to be gone....unless I'm not awake yet.
Is it gone or did i somehow miss it?
Also....I did a 'search' on their official site, on the word "shunning" ... result was "no results" so I changed it to "disfellowshipping" and the article on "Child Custody" came back as the only reference. What's going on??
Had Enough
ps: If anyone has the WTS statement that they don't shun former members and family members, could you post it here please...Thanks
hello, message board.. i've been a-lurkin here for a while.
i introduced myself to the old hourglass board right before it went down - didn't have much of a chance to say anything.. but i would like to express how much i appreciate all the contributions you all make to the discussions that go on here.
if you only knew how much your words and stories have been helping me to resolve my issues..... i guess that my hope is that i can, in some small way, relate my experiences and thoughts, and maybe that will also help someone else along the way.. once again, thank you for being here (& there).
Hi Hybridous:
I too don't recognize your name, but welcome here anyway. I'm relatively new to the board...started by posting my "Hi..I'm new here" story about a month ago after 'lurking' for about a month or so. I started out just lurking at H20 first but found this site and stayed.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Had Enough
by the sioux warrior, on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn :.
tallyman this shows how stupid you are.
that has been the rule for a long time.
Your description of Sioux Warrior sounds alot like StiLLinTruth but I like your name "Dances-Like-Wussies" much better.
Had Enough
hello everyone,.
if your jehovah's witness relatves came to you and said..... "praise jah, there has been 'new light" and we can associate with you again!".....
what would you say or do?
Hi Zazu:
I appreciate your consideration for other posters regarding the length of the articles, so I sent you an email regarding this.
The articles cover what is to be expected of "loyal" JWs in so many situations, it doesn't leave any doubt as to what their true stand on shunning is. It certainly isn't what they say on their website.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Had Enough